Note that a public certificate called JMSClient is now added to the queue manager's key repository. 请注意,名为JMSClient的公共证书现在被添加到队列管理器的密钥资源库中了。
If you remove the public key from the queue manager's truststore ( under signer certificates, remove was_jms_client), you will get a JMS connection error again. 如果您从队列管理器的信任存储区中删除公钥(在签名者证书下,删除wasjmsclient),您会再一次得到JMS连接错误。
WebSphere MQ queue manager validates the WebSphere Application Server client certificate using the jmsclient public key present in the queue manager's keystore. WebSphereMQ队列管理器使用队列管理器密钥存储区中的jmsclient公钥对WebSphereApplicationServer的客户端证书进行验证。
Surrounded by onlookers on the street, the woman desperately explained to the crowd that they had found a public toilet but saw there was a long queue, so had no other choice but to let their child to relieve himself on the street instead. 被街上的围观群众包围着,孩子母亲极力向人们解释说,他们找到一个公厕,但是公厕排了长队,,没办法所以他们只好让孩子在街上小便。
Observe public order. Don't yell or shout out loud. Always join a public queue for good order. Don't walk abreast on a sidewalk. Don't talk loudly in public. 遵守公共秩序。不喧哗吵闹,排队遵守秩序,不并行挡道,不在公众场所高声交谈。
Property indicating the identifier of the public queue. 说明公开队列标识符的属性。
Always back up your mailbox, public folder, or transport server queue database before running a repair against it, because the repair results in some data loss. 在运行针对邮箱、公用文件夹或传输服务器队列数据库的修复之前,始终将其备份,因为修复可能导致某些数据丢失。
Before you set this property, you must encrypt the symmetric key with the public key of the receiving queue manager. 设置该属性之前,必须用接收队列管理器的公钥来加密对称密钥。